Learn and play bowls in South Gloucestershire (Established 1933)

Tag: Club announcement

Clarence Davey Winners 2022

Well done to the Olveston Men this who, on a hot Sunday afternoon at Bristol Arrow, successfully defended the Clarence Davey Trophy against Bristol St Andrews 93-70.

Having only played in two Finals previously, in 2013 and 2021, we have now won the Trophy in back to back years.

City & County Bristol Competition Draws

The City & County Bristol competition draws are on their website.
No dates though, as still awaiting BE guidance.

Newsletter – “2 Wide 2 Heavy”

It’s been a quiet year on the bowls front, as well as in many other areas to be honest. However, at Olveston we did manage to play a little bowls, albeit mainly roll-ups and a couple of internal Club competitions.
Here we have our Newsletter, edited by our Secretary Nigel Cloke, rounding up the events of the year with the help of a number of officers of the Club, including our Chairman and President.
Oh, and if anybody wanted to take over the editing of the newsletter next season, I’m sure that Nigel would be happy to discuss it with you.

ODBC Finals Day

Well, Finals Weekend was a little slimmer than in previous years. Due to the events of the year we were reduced to the final games of the Covid Challenge and the Men’s and Ladies Championship.

The final round of the Covid Challenge was contested between Ian Barton, Chris Blake, Reg Muldoon and Alan Tregoning.
The winner was – Ian Barton

The Men’s Championship was contested between Ian Barton and Chris Blake.
The winner was – Chris Blake

The Ladies Championship was contested between Trish Barton and Sue Wilkins.
The winner was – Trish Barton

Well done to everybody who competed and gave us a a good 6 hours of bowls. There was a good crowd to enjoy the bowls, the beer and the companionship. Let’s hope that things can get back to normal (or a new normal) and that we can continue where we left off in 2019 and compete on many fronts and enjoy some good friendly bowls too.

Newsletter – “2 Wide 2 Heavy”

Following the announcement that Ken Tudor is to retire as editor of “2 Wide 2 Heavy” the Club is pleased to inform you that, in addition to his current post of Club Secretary, Nigel Cloke has volunteered to take on the role as the new editor.

Club re-opening – Update

Following the past couple of updates on the Club’s re-opening, here is the latest information from our Chairman, Robert Harris.

  • An internal competition is to be run for those people who expressed an interest in one. The format is going to be different from what people are used to but it will be fun.
  • An afternoon competition is planned for Saturday 15th August.
    • Initially, we are looking at 4 rinks of triples but if there’s sufficient interest then we will consider staggering games to accommodate more players. Again, only for those who feel safe in doing so
    • It is hoped that a full bar service should be available for the afternoon/evening
    • It may even be possible to provide some simple refreshments
  • Changes to the general arrangements for roll ups include:
    • A ‘mini bar’ facility payable by an IOU system from Monday 20th July
    • So members can utilise this facility, the 20 minute limit on leaving the premises has been suspended although the rule restricting arrival to 10 minutes before a session will remain
    • A number of benches will be made available for general use
    • Spectators are also welcome to watch the bowls
  • Also, an investigation will be made with other clubs to see whether there is any appetite for a couple of friendly fixtures during August and September.
  • The season close has been pushed back to Sunday 27th September allowing a little a longer for bowling.

Update [23rd July]
The Men’s and Ladies Club Championship competitions are to go ahead. This is based on advice from BE and GBA that champions will be able to enter next seasons Champion of Champions competitions as well as those Club Champions from the 2019 season.

Obviously, all of the above is subject to Government and BE guidance.

For the original arrangements and guidance regarding roll ups, please refer to both of these documents.

Club re-opening guidance

The Management Committee have taken the decision to allow the re-opening of the Club with restricted access to the bowling facilities from Monday 8th June, from 10:00 to 19:30 each day. No guests or spectators are allowed access and the kitchen and bar will remain closed.

Update [2 July 2020] -From Monday 6th July rinks will be able to be booked for up to 6 players from different households so you will be able to play triples games if you would like to.

In addition, we are looking to operate a competitive for members to join into if they so wish. If you are interested, then please contact Nigel Cloke by Sunday 12th July.

For full arrangements and guidance please refer to both of these documents.

Welcome to Olveston & District Bowling Club

Sticky post

Looking for a bowls club in the South Gloucestershire area? Olveston and District Bowling Club has a history going back over 90 years. We were founded in 1933. However, our outlook is modern and we produce bowlers who perform at the top level.
Feel free to browse our website and, if you cannot find what you are looking for, feel free to get in touch (Contact Us) for more information.

Coronavirus Update

Due to the impact that Coronavirus has had on social and sports events, Olveston has made the decision to delay the opening until further notice.

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