Application form for Internal Competitions

Please complete the form...

By entering Club Competitions, you agree to be able to play during the Club Finals Weekend 12th-14th September 2025. Whilst every effort will be made to accommodate those also playing in external competitions over the same weekend should there be a clash of timings then participants must decide the priority of the event. Should this not be the Club Final then the beaten semi-finalist will be invited to take their place in that final.

Entry fee is £2.50 per competition. If you are entering the Fred White Challenge Cup (Mixed Pairs) then one person should make an entry but include the name of their partner.

All Competition entries should be completed by the date of the Annual Spring Meeting.

Payment for each individual Club Competition is £2.50 Payment is due by the date of the Annual Spring Meeting (Saturday 1st March 2025)

Payment Methods

Payment can be made direct to the Club Bank Account by bank transfer/BACS
Bank details - Sort Code 51-70-08 and Account Number 77189825 or by Cheque, payable to Olveston and District Bowling Club
Please confirm payment method used - If you pay by bank transfer/BACS please include your name in the Reference section