Join Allan with Katherine Rednall, winner of multiple titles, including World titles, the first of which she won when she was just 18. She is now only 24 and still winning. It was interesting to listen to somebody who is playing rather than another official. It’s good to get a player’s perspective on markers and umpires.
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Join Allan with World Bowls Tour Deputy Tournament Director , Bowls Scotland Administration Team currently Competitions and Event Co-ordinator and Lawn Bowls Tour Technical Operations Manager at the 2014 Commonwealth Games in Glasgow.
Join Allan with Michael Johnson for more marking and umpiring chat. Mark is from New Zealand and has been playing umpiring since he was 14. He has officiated at Commonwealth and Works Championship events. He has also been an International Technical Officer as part of World Bowls and, alongside his umpiring out on the green, Michael is also a member of the Wellington Umpires Executive Committee and has previously tutored new umpires.
Join Allan with Mark Cowan for more marking and umpiring chat. Mark is from Australia and has been a multiple World Championship and Commonwealth Games Technical Official and was, until recently, National Training Centre Coach for Victoria and Tasmania
Join Allan, this time on Zoom, presenting a Q&A with ITO (International Technical Official) and WBT (World Bowls Tour) colleague Dan Bluett talking all things bowls.
Thanks to hard work by the Management Committee, green keeper and maintenance team the Club green only has opened for the first time this season. It may not be what we expected or hoped for for this season but, considering the situation just months ago, it is something. It is, for those willing and able to participate, an opportunity to get a little more exercise and meet, at a socially aware distance, friends.
Ian Gauld was one of the first to have a roll up and said “It felt wrong. We should be involved in so many matches now and I was up there on my own with everything shut up and barriered off.”
Here are some of his images from his visit:

If you weren’t able to watch or join in with the Facebook Live event on 9th May, then here you have the opportunity to watch it.
There may be another one on 23rd or 24th May, so look out.
You can also join Jamie’s Facebook group about marking and umpiring questions at – ‘A Question of Bowls‘
Your chance to ask a world class Umpire what its like to officiate at the Commonwealth Games!
Have any questions on Umpiring, Marking, Laws of the Sport or any related to World, Commonwealth Games or my general experiences in the sport.
Saturday 9th May at 14:00 on Facebook
If you would like to ask Allan anything prior to the live Q&A you can also post on his blog at
Last night saw our first “club night” of the 2020 season – Not the usual affair where we select a disc from a cloth bag to tell us which position and Rink to occupy – But a “Virtual Club Night” by way of “Zoom”.